
Competing or Merging "Curriculum" Approaches

In recent years Delaware's public school districts embraced Understanding by Design (UbD) as a way of framing the written and enacted social studies curricula. A new approach - Learning Focused Strategies (LFS) - has been gaining traction. At this juncture, it is unclear as to how the two may merge or whether one approach will dominate. What are your thoughts?
  • Should there be a shift in, or merging of, approaches?

  • Is one approach better than another?

  • Is you district or school moving in a particular direction?

  • In which direction should the social studies community be moving?

Statewide Social Studies Conference

In recent years, the Delaware Council for the Social Studies hosted a statewide social studies conference on the "state inservice day" which would have occurred this coming fall on Friday, October 9th. Due to the reduction in professional development days, most districts report that they will be keeping their teachers in the districts on that day. Reluctantly, DCSS cancelled this year's conference. Professional development groups concerned about the diminishing status of social studies are considering a weekend conference on a date or dates yet to be determined.
  • Do you think that plans to hold a weekend mini-conference should move forward?

  • Would you attend a Friday evening/Saturday conference or a Saturday only conference?


Homework Debate

A recent article by Angie Wagner of the Associated Press resurrects an ongoing debate surrounding homework. Critics of homework argue that it is frequently mindless busy work and denies children family time as well as opportunities to explore, read for fun, and recreate. Schools, the article suggests, are paying attention. The NEA as well as the national PTA are now endorsing the "10 minute" rule credited to Harris Cooper of Duke University. The "rule" calls for no more than 10 minutes of homework per grade i.e., no more than 10 minutes in first more than 110 minutes in eleventh grade.

What recommendations do you have in terms of homework?

Songs for Social Studies Education

It's summertime and many of you are relaxing to your favorite songs. Classrooms could use a little music to engage students. Help others learn appropriate ways to incorporate music into their social studies instruction. What music do you use, or think could be used, to teach or springboard into topics that are relevant to the social studies? Share the title of the song and artist as well as how you recommend it be integrated.


Delaware Social Studies Testing

Under the Delaware State Testing Program (DSTP), testing occurred in grades 4, 6, 8 & 11. This will continue during the upcoming 2009-2010 school year.

The new Delaware Comprehensive Assessment System (DCAS) envisions social studies testing once in the elementary grades (K-5), once in the middle grades, and again in a high school end-of-course exam that will be phased in as the budget permits. The most recent proposal schedules social studies testing in grades 4 and 7. The new assessment system also envisions an adaptive model in which students move through different test trajectories depending on their responses with quick feedback.

  • What are your thoughts on the changes?


DE Social Studies Blog Content

Which topics would you like to see featured on the new Delaware Social Studies blog?